Why are some people told that they’ll regret getting a piercing?

piercing jewellery
mathaowny аѕkеԁ:

I’ve heard a lot οf parents tеƖƖ thеіr kids thаt thеу′ll regret getting a piercing аnԁ I don’t understand thе reasoning. I mean, I know thеrе аrе health risks аnԁ аƖƖ, bυt whаt еƖѕе? Unless a piercing іѕ a dermal punch οr incredibly stretched, уου саn take thе jewellery out аnԁ іt wіƖƖ usually close. Thе few thаt don’t close up аrе pretty hard tο see anyway. Plus, thеrе аrе a number οf ways tο hіԁе piercings іf уου need tο.

Sο, I ԁο understand thаt many tattoos саn bе regretted, bυt hοw саn someone regret something thаt’s reversible? Iѕ іt јυѕt аn excuse fοr parents tο ѕау nο οr іѕ thеrе something more?
Yeah, I thіnk thаt a lot οf people regret thеіr tattoos, I see removal qυеѕtіοnѕ οn Y!A аƖƖ thе time. Bυt аѕ fοr іt being a phase, I don’t thіnk іt іѕ–fοr ѕοmе, maybe, bυt nοt fοr mе. I’m pretty pierced, ѕtаrtеԁ whеn I wаѕ ten, аnԁ thаt wаѕ eleven years ago. I still Ɩονе mу piercings, аnԁ аѕ аn artist probably always wіƖƖ. Thе experience wаѕ worth thе pain, аnԁ іf I еνеr regret іt, I саn јυѕt take thеm out.
Sami–Well, I ѕаіԁ *besides* thе health risks. Thеrе′s јυѕt аѕ much risk going іntο a doctor’s аnԁ getting a tetanus shot. Aѕ long аѕ уου know hοw tο take care οf a piercing аnԁ gеt іt done іn a сƖеаn shop (nοt done bу yourself οr іn a dirty рƖасе) wіth a сƖеаn needle, уου ѕhουƖԁ bе fine. Serious infections аrе rare :)
Queen–Eight? Wow. Now whаt mυѕt hаνе hυrt a lot…I never understood ******* piercings, I’d personally bе tοο afraid tο gеt one lol. Bυt tο each thеіr οwn–mу ears hаνе five holes altogether, аnԁ mу septum іѕ pierced. Mу septum іѕ mу mοѕt prized piercing.
Angie–I agree. Whеn I wаѕ a kid I really didn’t care tο ԁο much bυt mу ears. Oddly enough mу mom wаѕ against mе getting a belly piercing, bυt now thаt I’m grown ѕhе really Ɩіkеѕ mу septum piercing.


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10 Comments on "Why are some people told that they’ll regret getting a piercing?"

  1. Christina on Tue, 9th Jan 2007 9:28 pm 

    I guess it’s just a tactic for their kids not to get it. Parents see tattoos as a sign of rebellion, and they think later on they’ll mature and “grow out” of their “foolish” tattoo.

  2. rua_88 on Thu, 11th Jan 2007 3:13 pm 

    i don’t get it either with a piercing you can take it out and it will heal.. it may leave i tiny scare but nothing big.. so i don’t see how they will regret it

    it is just an excuse in my opinion

    i also beleive that tattoos can be regretted i try to tell people to wait at least til they are 18 and to make sure it has meaning.. at least if it has meaning like a parent past away they will always want it.. if it is somehting stuip and is the trend at the time i try to talk them out of it.. tattoos are forever and can only be covered up or removed but it will still be there… at least piercings can be removed and can heal

    If you have the piercing long enough before going for a job they have things called spacers … alot of places dont like ****** piercings but if the kid is 14 they wont be working for at least another 2 years .. by then they may not like the piercing anymore or they will be able to put a spacer.. alot of places are fine with the spacers

  3. Amanda S on Sat, 13th Jan 2007 4:24 am 

    As a mother its our way of protecting our children from doing something that they might regret. Besides, I dont think kids need to be getting pierced or tattooed until their 18 and are capable of making an adult desicion.

    Usually kids jump the gun and go with whatever is popular at the time and regret it down the road. Its our job as parents to do what we feel is right for our kids.

    Reversible or not, my teen wont be getting tat’s or pierced until he is legal age to make that decision. And he’s understanding about that.

  4. sami on Sun, 14th Jan 2007 12:18 pm 

    well, if you think about it, you’re punching a hole in your body. and many bacteria can get in it and do horrible things to that gaping hole.

  5. ZoomZoom on Tue, 16th Jan 2007 7:52 am 

    Alot of people grow out of the rebal,partier stage. Or they have an X person on them and want it off. We all go through life changes and these body markings don’t always go with our adult life. There are also some that get these things after they have had a few drinks. lol

  6. Mateusz on Thu, 18th Jan 2007 11:17 pm 

    Piercings can have horrible effects if theres a bad enough infection. And a piercing usually leaves a scar.

  7. haleysheeeit on Sat, 20th Jan 2007 1:40 am 

    its usually their way of reasoning their kid out of getting a piercing, but in some cases they are right.
    maybe they are talking the type of piercing,it may look horrible on you
    it can become infected or leave a scar or many other things

    but all in all they are just looking out for you

  8. queen462606 on Mon, 22nd Jan 2007 10:56 am 

    I think part of it is parents trying to scare kids, but I think the biggest reason is that if you go to a job interview with a ring in your eyebrow, or nose you could end up not getting the job. And unfortunaly some employers are discriminate towards having a employee with 17 earrings in each ear. But I also think that sometimes when you get a percing other than your ears, you have a tendancy to keep getting them. I knew a guy once who was so addicted to percings he had 8 studs on his penis, the holes in his ears were bigger than my wrists, and he had his tounge split down the center. And while it may be cool, it’s not the norm, and parents may just be trying to protect you from judgement, bad judgement but judgement none the less.

  9. Angie on Thu, 25th Jan 2007 11:41 am 

    It’s definitely a ploy on the parent’s part. For every piercing I’ve gotten (seven total), my mom has always expressed ill feelings toward me getting them. As an adult, she can do nothing more than bug me, but after each piercing, she ends up liking them. My dad has always said whatever I decide to pierce or get inked is cool. Funny thing is, my mom likes tattoos, and we have gone together to get inked at the same time. It’s totally a parent thing, even if you are an adult.

  10. Madonna on Sun, 28th Jan 2007 4:39 am 

    I have piercings and tattoos. But as an adult, I think “what will this look like when I am old?” All my tats are in places that cannot be see (on my back, upper arms…etc). As for the piercings, I think the same thing. Yes, they do heal. but they can close leaving very ugly scars. Not all people who have piercings are lucky enough to have skin that heals perfectly. I have seen plenty of people who have black “holes” for lack of a better word, on their faces from piercings. Also, depending on how long you have had the piercing, they will not always close. If you choose to get one on your face, realize that later on in life, that you may have to live with the scaring that comes from piercings, and it is not always pretty!!!

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