Septum piercing, jewellery keeps turning upwards?

piercing jewellery
FRANtastic! аѕkеԁ:

I gοt mу septum pierced yesterday, іt still hυrtѕ Ɩіkе a b*tch, even whеn I laugh аnԁ smile. Thе jewellery (horseshoe) keeps turning upwards іntο mу nose bу itself? Iѕ thіѕ normal? Even whеn I press іt down іt stays fοr аbουt 5-10 seconds before lifting itself up again.

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2 Comments on "Septum piercing, jewellery keeps turning upwards?"

  1. Rose on Fri, 2nd Mar 2007 1:04 pm 

    that’s kind of strange, but not unheard of. a similar thing happened with one of my ear piercings. I think what was wrong with it was how it was pierced. The skin must have been pulled strangely causing the piercing to be more “at ease” when it’s facing up than when it’s down.

    If it’s really bothering you, go back to the piercer and tell them what’s going on. Maybe they’ll repierce it for free or they may have some other idea for how to fix it. I know that having to constantly push it back down will irritate the piercing and could cause scarring or maybe an infection.

    You could always just wear it up while it’s healing. Typically piercings will loosen as they heal in which case it will eventually stay down in place.

    Good luck!

  2. Lillie on Sat, 3rd Mar 2007 12:36 am 

    Perhaps it’s doing that because of swelling.
    Like, the extra pressure is making it ride up.

    I dunno, mine never did that.
    Give it a few days (like 5) so that the swelling can go down, and if it’s still doing that go back to your piercer and ask them *** is going on.

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