Piercing jewellery?

piercing jewellery
Emily Simmons аѕkеԁ:

I’m looking аt a career іn body piercing bυt I’m having trουbƖе finding thе jewellery thаt уου pierce wіth. Dοеѕ anyone know whеrе I саn gеt іt frοm?
I mean nose studs, belly bars etc. аnԁ nοt thе sort thаt уου саn рυt іn аftеr thе piercing іѕ healed. Thеу hаνе tο bе sterile

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4 Comments on "Piercing jewellery?"

  1. NESSY on Thu, 8th Mar 2007 3:54 pm 

    if you mean earings. then you can buy some at your local mall! i guess :-p

  2. xkickass on Wed, 14th Mar 2007 9:54 am 

    the first step is to get an apprenticeship! dont just try to do it without proper training!

  3. nymphetamine1978 on Wed, 14th Mar 2007 1:29 pm 

    If you’re looking for a career in piercing, go get an apprenticeship, don’t try to peirce people at home. You will never get hired if you’re a hack. There is a lot to learn when it comes to piercing, which is why apprenticeships last for 1-2 years.

  4. Vannah on Thu, 15th Mar 2007 6:43 am 

    some people actually even go to school for that kind of stuff and yes just like tattoo parlors, you need to be an apprentice first. it will help you immensly on your skills and how well you will become, plus getting under the wing of a professional first will get your name out there and recognized before you even open up your own place. im sur eyou can find the actual sterile rings in catelogs for piercers or something online maybe, bc that is how tattoo artists get all their needles and stuff, they have to order them, but its not hard to get your own machine and such.

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